Faculty of Social Sciences of Lobachevsky University currently implements a number of international projects within Erasmus+. On October 16th, we will carry out presentations to introduce all them.
16.10 at 11:00 (GMT+2) – IMCEERES
IMCEERES is Erasmus Mundus International Master «Central & East European, Russian & Eurasian Studies”
During this presentation, we would like to introduce you this program and share our experience in participating in such big and long-term projects.
You will be able to meet the people who implement the project since its very beginning as well as recent graduates!
Link: https://zoom.us/j/95688650249?pwd=QmY0Sm9EUnJaOWlqZSs1MUNNaUJvdz09
16.10 at 11:30 (GMT+2) – Voluntary social year
Voluntary social year is implemented within Erasmus+. This program allows students to spend one year working in social institutions in Germany and studying at UNN at the same time. During our presentation, you will be able to meet project manages and participants of this project, who will tell you about peculiarities of this program.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/92919529688?pwd=Q1FjdFpOL3JKZW5heDlQRHBEYUQ0Zz09
16.10 at 12:00 (GMT+2) — Jean Monnet Module
Jean Monnet Module in European Interdisciplinary has just started last month. It combines the specialist from social sciences, international relations, and law. During our presentation, we would like to tell you more about this project, about our plans and expectation about it.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/93427309368?pwd=Wmd6dE5aeU5mWWJGdU9CckxGQjVwdz09